Get Started

What is Healthy Together?

Healthy Together is a public health and safety platform that enables the future of public health through next-generation technology that empowers our health institutions and residents to improve the collective well-being of our communities. By bringing together the objectives of public health and the needs of residents into one platform, organizations and health departments can increase the reach and efficacy of their initiatives.

Shows the feature set available in the Healthy Together app.

Problems We Solve for our Customers


  • Streamline communication to residents
  • Deliver real-time test results
  • Automate contact tracing with digital interviews
  • Augment case management with backend systems
  • Resident access validated vaccine records
  • Manage data, reports and make infrastructure scalable


  • Help re-open workplaces for employees
  • Assist live event organizers in hosting compliant events
  • Provide Health Pass to venues to protect fans, artists + employees
  • Manage data, reports and screening levels through a backend portal


  • Safely bring students + faculty back to campus
  • Deploy on-site antigen testing programs
  • Deliver real-time test results
  • Provide Health Pass clearance system for on-site access
  • Manage health guardian consent for dependents


How can I download Healthy Together?

Follow the link for your device to download the Healthy Together app.

iOS App Store | Android Play Store